April 1, 2002
Brown retirement reception Monday
A retirement reception for JoAnn Brown, secretary in curriculum and instruction for the Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching, will be at 4 p.m. Monday in N047 Lagomarcino Hall. Brown has worked for the center since 1997 and has been with Iowa State since 1992.
Murphy recognized as most-cited author
Pat Murphy, university professor of food science and human nutrition, has been recognized as one of the top 15 most-cited authors in agriculture and plant and animal science by the Institute for Scientific Information. Murphy’s professional interests include soybean health benefits and storage proteins.
Fehr is Shakeshaft Master Teacher
Carla Fehr, assistant professor of philosophy and religious studies, was named this year’s Jerry Shakeshaft Master Teacher in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Since 1999, Fehr has been with the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, where she specializes in philosophy of biology and feminism.
– compiled by Jeff Mitchell