Estes to appear in comedic opera

Alicia Mcghee

Saturday Iowa State will be treated to a taste of musical theatre – opera-style.

Iowa State University Opera Studio is presenting its Mozart Opera Gala at 7:30 pm at Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall. The program consists of scenes Mozart’s “Le Nozze di Figaro [The Marriage of Figaro],” “Cosi fan tutti [Cosi Fan Tutte],” and “Die Zauberflote [The Magic Flute].”

World-renowned opera singer Simon Estes, adjunct professor of music, will be making an appearance at the show. Estes will be appearing in the scenes from “The Magic Flute.” Estes, along with the program’s director Mary Creswell, has been working with the students on their production.

“It is opera comic, meaning opera comedy,” Creswell said.

The scenes from the two operas are from two of Mozart’s most humorous compositions, Creswell added.

Although these scenes were written in the 18th Century, some of them will be set in contemporary times in the Opera Studio’s production. This will give the audience a modern assessment, Creswell said.

“Since it is being performed by their peers, students might be more interested,” Creswell said. “The characters in the [modern-set] scenes are dealing with issues that students may be able to relate to.”

Anna Hersey, senior in music, who plays Susanna in the scenes from The Marriage of Figaro, said the students are really excited about their performance.

“I think there are a lot of stereotypes and misconceptions about operas,” Hersey said.

When Mozart wrote these works, he wrote them for the commoners of that era to entertain that class, Hersey said.

Tickets cost $3 for students and $5 for general admission, and they can be purchased at the door.