LETTER:Must target the source of hate and terrorism
April 10, 2002
In response to Prasanna Padmanabhan’s letter Tuesday (“Public must know about foreign affairs”), I agree that the public must know more about foreign affairs. He chastises Israel for its aggression against the Palestinians (an aggression that can best be defined as one dismantling terrorism, parallel to the American dismantling of terrorism in Afghanistan and the world) while not mentioning the cause of this aggression – Palestinian terrorism on the land of Israel. Four hundred twenty-seven innocent Israelis have been murdered since the second intifada started in September 2000.
I challenge any future Pro-Palestinian writer to not only recognize these Palestinian suicide bombings, but to condemn them. I am aware that all actions of Israel are not perfect, however its citizens are not strapping bombs to their bodies and terrorizing Palestinian innocents. Israeli incursions specifically go after those that choose hate and destruction over peace.
He also criticizes U.S. foreign policy that has in his words caused “extreme resentment against America.” Which specific policies is he referring to? I think what he is trying to say is that Arabs resent the American support of the land of Israel. The same land of Israel that shares the same democratic precepts that all Americans hold dearly to. Precepts such as freedom of speech and freedom to elect its representatives. This freedom allows Israelis to either speak out in support of Israel or demonstrate against it. Those under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority don’t have that democratic luxury.
I could easily blame the thousands of Arab terrorists in this world for the destruction the world has experienced both in America and in Israel. However, these fanatic terrorists are only a product of their society. I place blame on leaders such as Arafat and Saddam Hussein that incite violence through the media and sponsor terrorism. It is fact that Saddam Hussein offers $25,000 to each family that sends forth a suicide bomber. But what is being said in the Palestinian media?
In a sermon by Sheikh Ibrahim Mahda given a few days after Yasser Arafat’s cease-fire declaration on Palestinian Authority Television June 8, 2001, he states: “Allah willing, this unjust state, Israel will be erased; this unjust state, the United States, will be erased; this unjust state, Britain, will be erased. Blessings to whoever waged Jihad for the sake of Allah, blessings to whoever put a belt of explosives on his body or on his son’s and plunged into the midst of the Jews.”
My take is that this war needs to not only be waged on the trigger pullers, but the source of hate and terrorism. Both Arafat and Saddam Hussein let their actions speak for themselves. They take no responsibility for the terror they incite. It is now time for them to step down.
David Goldstick
Management information systems