LETTER:Some parents OK with U.S. military

Greg Brown

After reading about the display by Semper Fidelis at Cy’s Big Top, and the controversy raised by this display of military equipment, I truly regret not having taken my sons to the event. I wish I had taken my sons to this display of military weaponry to show support for our military, to allow my sons to meet real members of our military, to allow my sons to handle real military equipment (yes, guns and rocket launchers included) and to show the members of Time for Peace that parents are OK with their children becoming familiar with the military.

I think my boys would have gotten a kick out of seeing and holding real military weaponry. My sons (4 and 2 years old) know the difference between their toy guns and my real guns.

My sons know that guns need to be used with caution and care. By allowing our children to handle real firearms, and with caring supervision and careful explanation that a real gun is not a toy, we can teach children that guns must be used carefully and with respect.

I highly doubt that any of the children who were at the Semper Fidelis display will now rush out to engage their friends and siblings in acts of war. I doubt that any of these children will grow up to use a firearm in a hostile manner.

While members of Time for Peace may mean well, protesting at Cy’s Big Top was out of line. I doubt that Time for Peace changed anyone’s opinion about the military, firearms or war in the manner that they desired. Instead, I think that Time for Peace has yet again demonstrated, and convinced many others, that pacifists such as themselves do not have a realistic understanding of society.

I would like to applaud Semper Fidelis, and I hope they continue their display every year.

Greg Brown

Graduate assistant

Department of health and human performance