LETTER:Right to speak out takes precedence

Reilly Liebhard

In Friday’s Daily, Ben Rolf and Tyson Benson raised their voices against the “propaganda” of LGBTA groups at Iowa State, arguing that “controversial” beliefs which are not held by large segments of society should never see the light of day on campus.

It’s rather disheartening that a university should be seen as a haven of intellectual placidity, a place to grab a quick degree while being shielded from any expression that conflicts with one’s existing beliefs. Any university which operated on such principles would quickly find itself out of business, with no one able to study or speak for fear of making someone uncomfortable. Any society which took that view to heart would quickly become stagnant and authoritarian, its freedom of discussion and capacity for change permanently lost to the tyranny of mental comfort.

In a pluralistic, free society such as ours, I would hope that the right of any group to speak out in public (and the ability of LGBT folk to show simple affection to our partners without being harassed or attacked) would take precedence over Mr. Rolf and Mr. Benson’s supposed “right” to be protected from conduct and ideas which they find disagreeable.

Reilly Liebhard
