Jews, Muslims, Christians speak out for peace

Jessica Anderson

A statement of peace was issued Wednesday by Jews, Palestinian Christians and Muslims along with other concerned community members.

The group of approximately 50 people gathered at noon near the Hub to issue a statement dealing with peace in the Middle East and Iowa. This joint statement focused on the rights of Palestinians and Israelis and the need to coexist in harmony, while leaving hate in the past.

Some students carried posters and passed out fliers with the words “reconciliation,” “peace” and “coexist” written between Palestinian and Israeli flags.

“It is important to understand both sides of this issue,” said Muhannad Suleiman, graduate student in civil and construction engineering. “I hope the people gathered around listened to both sides.”

Robert Baum, associate professor of religious studies and part of the Jewish community, attended the public statement. Baum also teaches a course about Islam.

“I’m in the middle on this,” Baum said. “People need to realize that the violence has to cease on both sides. I support this effort to end the killing. We need to stop the violence.”

John Donaghy, campus minister at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, 2210 Lincoln Way, was also in attendance.

“I am very much in support of what they are doing,” Donaghy said. “It is great to see the initiative taken.”

Suleiman said Wednesday’s statement is just a starting point.

“We plan on continuing this. It is not a one-time thing,” said Bob Cohanim, senior in aerospace engineering. “I hope this goes until it is no longer needed.”

Cohanim and Omar Tesdell, Daily columnist, online editor and editorial board member, started this group.

“It began with two of us and we’ve expanded.” Cohanim said.

Suleiman said the gathering of community members proves peace can be achieved.

“This shows there can be two states living side by side with no problems,” Suleiman said.

This group of students said the statement was “not a document in its final form, but rather basic items of agreement.”

“As a Jewish student on campus, we need to show cohesion,” said Jennifer Diaz, junior in economics. “I hope it shows that at Iowa State we can live together. I hope we’ve shown solidarity, no matter what race or religion.”