BSA, Pan-Hellenic Council to host study tables

In an effort to promote time management and study skills among African-American students, the Black Student Alliance and National Pan-Hellenic Council are hosting a series of biweekly study tables.

The program, called “Get Your Study On,” began last week. The group meets at the Black Cultural Center, 517 Welch Ave., from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday every week during the semester.

“The study group is primarily based on improving the already-strong GPA of the African-American student body, but anybody with an ambition to learn is welcome,” said La’Tifini McClinton, junior in community health education. “Popcorn, punch, hot chocolate, and chips will be provided for snacking on, and those without transportation can contact me directly for our ride-share program.”

Mentoring, course packets on study skills and time management and information on campus tutoring will be provided at the study table free of charge.

“I believe that this will gather an environment conducive to studying, complete with laptop computers and a brain-stimulating environment,” said Meisha Colbert, Big 12 Black Student Alliance delegate.

Colbert said the group is especially looking for freshmen and sophomores to participate.

“This group promises to be a very fun and worthwhile way for students to help them achieve their academic goals,” said Colbert, junior in pre-advertising.

Students can contact McClinton at 572-0007 for more information.