LETTER:Slight inaccuracies in gay art story I

Dennis Raverty

The article that appeared in Wednesday’s Daily on the lecture I presented on homosexual themes in Renaissance art was for the most part very sensitive and good. However, there is something that was inaccurate that I want to clear up for readers.

Trevor Fisher mentions Michelangelo’s love letters to Tomasso de Cavalieri, who he describes in his article as a “young boy.” Cavaliere was in fact in his early twenties at the time, and Michelangelo was in his fifties. Although there is a somewhat shocking discrepancy of ages between the older artist and his young companion, Michelangelo was not a pedophiliac. Additionally, I am not aware that Bazzi (called Il Sodoma) kept company with “boys” as the author states.

These differences are important, especially now with all the controversy over criminal and highly unethical behavior perpetrated by some Catholic clergy. Gay people are no more involved with sex with minors than heterosexuals.

Dennis Raverty

Assistant professor

Art and design