LETTER:Newsworthy items missing from story

Bill Kunerth

There were a couple of newsworthy items missing from the Daily story about the Faculty Senate vote to ask the Board of Regents to rescind the name of former ISU President Martin Jischke from the Honors Building: (1) The vote was 55-10 in favor of the resolution.

(2) Concern was expressed that the naming of the building had been railroaded by Murray Blackwelder, former ISU external vice president, and Rabindra Mukerjea, former assistant to Jischke and chairman of the committee that names buildings. Coincidentally, both are now employed by Jischke at Purdue and recipients of healthy raises.

(3) A resolution was offered – to be voted on at the next meeting – asking President Geoffroy to reassess the guidelines to be followed in naming buildings, with a proviso that if the five-year waiting period is to be waived, the university community should be notified ahead of time and provided with a rationale for the waiver.

Bill Kunerth

Emeritus professor

Journalism and mass communication