Beat Box

Oscar ratings continue to decline

ABC has released viewership statistics for Sunday’s Oscar ceremony. According to the network, 77 million TV watchers tuned in to the program, which set a record-low household rating of 25.4. This is a drop from the previous low, 26.2.

Biafra sues former band members

Ex-Dead Kennedys frontman Jello Biafra has filed a lawsuit against his former Kennedys bandmates. He claims the Dead Kennedys used his name, photograph and identity to promote a new batch of recordings. He also says the band is recording new music with an impersonator of him.

Biafra, whose real name is Eric Reed Boucher, is seeking punitive and compensatory damages to the tune of $25,000 from the three remaining original Dead Kennedys.

In 2000, a court sided with Biafra’s bandmates, who claimed that Biafra didn’t pay back promised royalties or promote the Kennedys’ music.

Angelil denies past rape claims

Rene Angelil, husband of singer Celine Dion, has been sued by a Los Angeles woman. Yun Kyeong Sung Kwon claims Angelil raped her in a hotel room two years ago.

In June of 2000, Kwon and Angelil agreed on a settlement, but now Kwon wants the settlement overturned, saying she agreed to the settlement while she was under mental duress.

Lawyers for Angelil say Kwon’s claim is false, and that her claims are different from the ones she made in 2000.

– News gathered by Bethany Kohoutek from, the Associated Press and