March 14, 2002
Vote on condom proposal Thursday
The Inter-Residence Hall Association will be meeting Thursday to vote on a proposal requesting the availability of condoms in C-Stores on campus and supporting the continued availability of condoms in vending machines.
Old business to be discussed include two proposals: one to make conference committee members more accountable for what they learn at conferences, and the other to eliminate the conferences committee from IRHA altogether.
The only new business to be discussed is the special order to ratify the IRHA election ballot.
The meeting will take place in the Maple/Willow/Larch large conference room at 7 p.m.
– Jyni Ekins
Second half course drops due Friday
Friday is the last day to drop a second half semester course without the drop appearing on the permanent record or counting toward the limit of dropped courses.
It is also the last day to process a schedule change in a second half semester course without a $5 fee or to add/drop a second half semester without signatures of instructor and advisor.
– Michelle Kann