Weekly Calendar

Thursday, March 28

“From Sweetness” poetry reading and author signing with ISU faculty member Debra Marquart, at Parks Library, 4 p.m., free

“Women, Laughter, and Power,” ISU World Theatre Workshop Performance, in the Sun Room, Memorial Union, 4 p.m., free

“Art/Architecture: Pegagogies/Practices,” lecture with Katerina Ruedi Ray, University of Illinois, Chicago, at Kocimski Auditorium, College of Design, 5:30 p.m., free

Life drawing studio, models and drawing boards provided, participants supply all other materials (dry media only), at the Brunnier Art Museum, 7 p.m., free

“Los Vendidos,” comedy performance by the ISU World Theatre Workshop, at the Maintenance Shop, MU, 7:30 p.m., ISU students: $4.50, nonstudents: $10

“Women, Laughter and Power,” lecture with Regina Barreca, professor of English literature and feminist theory at the University of Connecticut at Storrs, in the Sun Room, MU, 8 p.m., free

“Before Night Falls,” SUB film, in the Pioneer Room, MU, 8 p.m., $2

“Control Theory and the Limits of the Criminal Sanction,” lecture with Michael R. Gottfredson, executive vice chancellor at the University of California, Irvine

Friday, March 29

United Native American Student Association will be selling greeting cards, raffle tickets, t-shirts and tote bags, at the College of Design, 8 a.m.

“Women’s Career Paths,” Charidy Wright will speak on traditional and nontraditional career paths for women and a future prediction within a tough market, in the Gold Room, MU, 3 p.m., free

“The Plight of Afghan Refugees,” slide presentation with Shadia Igram, Muslim Student Association, part of the Iowa Conference on Islam, in the Great Hall, MU, 7:15 p.m., free

“Los Vendidos,” comedy performance by the ISU World Theatre Workshop, at the M-Shop, MU, 7:30 p.m., ISU students: $4.50, non-students: $10

“Islam, World Peace, and September 11th,” lecture with Jamal Badawi, professor of management at Saint Mary University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, part of the Iowa Conference on Islam, in the Great Hall, MU, 7:45 p.m., free

“Islam, Bosnia and Migration – Part I,” lecture with Aras Konjhodzic, president of the Muslim Youth Organization and an executive member of the Islamic Community of Serbia, part of the Iowa Conference on Islam, in the Gallery Room, MU, 7:45, free

“Before Night Falls,” SUB film, in the Pioneer Room, MU, 8 p.m., $2

Saturday, March 30

Easter egg hunt for local Ames children, north of Campanile, 10 a.m.

“In the Shade of the Tree: A Photographic Journey through the Muslim World,” slide presentation with Peter Sanders, professional photographer and director of the Peter Sanders Photographic Library, London, part of the Iowa Conference on Islam, in the Great Hall, MU, free

Family concert, with the ISU Symphony Orchestra, at the Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, 11 a.m., free

“Islam, Bosnia and Migration – Part II,” Aras Konjhodzic, president of the Muslim Youth Organization and executive member of the Islamic Community of Serbia, part of the Iowa Conference on Islam, in the Gallery Room, MU, 3:15 p.m., free

“Preaching Peace and Co-Existence in a Multicultural Society,” lecture with Siraj Wahhaj, Muslim activist and leader of a community-based anti-drug campaign in Brooklyn, part of the Iowa Conference on Islam, in the Great Hall, MU, 3:15 p.m.

“Los Vendidos,” comedy performance by the ISU World Theatre Workshop, at the M-Shop, MU, 7:30 p.m., ISU students: $4.50, non-students: $10

“Before Night Falls,” SUB film, in the Pioneer Room, MU, 8 p.m., $2

“The Qur’an and the Purpose of Life,” lecture with Jeffrey Lang, professor of mathematics at the University of Kansas, part of the Iowa Conference on Islam, in the Great Hall, MU, 8:15 p.m., free

Sunday, March 31

Student-led worship experience open to members of the community, sponsored by the Wesley Foundation/United Methodist Student Center, at the Arboretum, 6:15 a.m.

“Islam, Bosnia and Migration – Part III,” lecture with Aras Konjhodzic, president of the Muslim Youth Organization and executive member of the Islamic Community of Serbia, part of the Iowa Conference on Islam, in the Gallery Room, MU, 10:30 a.m., free

“Christian Petersen and the Great Danish Gymnast Niels Bukh,” lecture with Jim Iversen, a retired ISU aerospace engineering instructor who will tell of his adventures in Denmark researching ISU artist-in-residence Christian Petersen, at Brunnier, 2 p.m., free

“Los Vendidos,” comedy performance by the ISU World Theatre Workshop, at the M-Shop, MU, 2 p.m., ISU students: $4.50, non-students: $10

Monday, April 1

“Freedom Train,” matin‚e performance of the Harriet Tubman story, at Stephens Auditorium, 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., $3

Monday Organ Recital, part of the First Monday Organ Series, at Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, 5:20 p.m., free

Discussion of Violence, discussion about the issue of violence caused by homophobia, in the Campanile Room, MU, 7 p.m., free

“Same Sex Marriages,” lecture with Evan Wolfson, director of the Freedom to Marry Collaborative, a non-gay/gay partnership to secure full equality and recognition for same-sex couples and their families, in the Sun Room, MU, 8 p.m.

Grandma Mojo’s, student improv/comedy group, at the M-Shop, MU, 10 p.m., $1

Tuesday, April 2

Lecture, art walk and discussion of “King Harvest,” at Hawthorn Court Community Center, 12:10 p.m. and 7 p.m., free

Discussion of Violence, discussion about the issue of violence caused by homophobia, in the Campanile Room, MU, 7 p.m., free

“Copenhagen,” theatre performance, at Stephens Auditorium, 7:30 p.m., ISU students/18 and under: $16, $13, nonstudents: $31, $25

“Take the Cannoli: Stories from the New World,” lecture with Sarah Vowell, author, humorist and social observer best known for her monologues and documentaries for public radio’s “This American Life,” in the Sun Room, MU, 8 p.m., free

Wednesday, April 3

Greek Week BBQ for ISU Community, Central Campus, 11 a.m.

ISU Clarinet Choir concert, at Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, 5:20 p.m., free

“Film Noir and Postwar Spatial Anxiety,” lecture with Edward Dimendburg, University of Michigan, at Kocimski Auditorium, College of Design, 5:30 p.m., free

Unity Panel Discussion, a panel discussing ways society can come together to promote diversity, in the Pioneer Room, MU, 7 p.m., free

“Disease and Death in America: A History,” lecture with Gerald Grob, Henry E. Sigerist professor of History of Medicine emeritus at Rutgers University, in the Sun Room, MU, 8 p.m., free

American Indian Symposium flute performance with T’Chin, artist, performer, and storyteller best known for his jewelry work, at the Design Atrium, 8 p.m., free

– Information gathered by Bethany Kohoutek