Weekly Calendar

Thursday, March 14

“Shade Tree Care and Overview of My Nursery Business,” garden talk and brown bag lunch with Dwight Hughes Jr. of Cedar Rapids, at Reiman Gardens Mahlstede Learning Center, noon, free

Tanya Zanish-Belcher “ISU’s Women of Science, 1900-2000,” a presentation that will focus on the achievements of Iowa State’s women in science and the contributions of female faculty, staff, and alumni, including Ada Hayden, Darleane C. Hoffman, Nellie Taylor and Margaret Sloss in the Pioneer Room, Memorial Union, noon,

Lecture with ISU art and design professor John Cunnally, a public critique of the works of Brunnier’s “Iowa College Salon” exhibit, at the Brunnier Art Museum, 7 p.m., free

The Regina Carter Quintet, performance that fuses jazz, funk, Brazilian and soul music, at Stephens Auditorium, 7:30 p.m., ISU students/ 18 and under: $14, $11, $7, non-students: $27, $21, $13

Friday, March 15

Friday Caf‚ at the Maintenance Shop, a discussion on international gender roles, at the Maintenance Shop, MU, 4 p.m.

Saturday, March 16

Sunday, March 17

“Natural Dyes from the Hardware Store,” talk with assistant professor of art and design Teresa Paschke, who will demonstrate dyeing techniques using metal, hardware and found objects, at the Brunnier Art Museum, 2 p.m., free

Monday, March 18

Tuesday, March 19

Wednesday, March 20

“Organize Your Office, Manage Your Time,” lecture with Mary Sigmann, professional speaker, organizer and success coach, part of the Women in Touch Series, in the Sun Room, MU, noon, $12

– Information gathered by Bethany Kohoutek