LETTER:Not all males see females same way

Mark Olofson

I was disturbed by Dawn Frehse’s letter in Friday’s Daily. She stated that “Guys look at females as if we’re sex objects.” How dare you generalize all members of my gender into one category? I agree that some males do see women that way. But how many doors in the same hallway did not have offensive pictures up?

Why did you not mention them? I could say the same thing of women. How many doors have pictures of attractive men? In fact, just across the page Friday, Ayrel Clark describes her dorm room as having “the very necessary hot boy wall.” Now who is being treated like an object?

Generalizations like Frehse made are incredibly dangerous. They lead to division, not unity. We’re all human beings, and we’re all different. Do not think you know how I view women simply because I am male, and I will do the same for you.

Mark Olofson

