Beat Box

R. Kelly under investigation for sex tape

R. Kelly is being investigated for having sex with a minor, and the act was allegedly caught on videotape. The 26-minute tape was sent to The Chicago Sun-Times Friday. The minor, an unidentified 17-year-old girl, was estimated by a family member to be 14 at the time the tape was made.

According to the Sun-Times, police have been investigating Kelly for almost three years, but have not been able to secure enough evidence to build a strong case, because the girl involved has denied any accusations against the R & B singer.

Kelly’s camp says the video is phony.

Kelly is currently fighting a suit with a woman who says she and Kelly were sexually involved when she was a minor. In 1998, Kelly settled a separate lawsuit with another woman who claims she had sex with Kelly when she was 15 years old.

In 1994, Kelly was married to R & B vocalist Aaliyah, who has since died in a plane crash, when she was 15.

`Zoolander’ flick banned by Singapore Board

The recent Ben Stiller comedy flick “Zoolander” was banned Friday by Singapore’s Board of Film Censors for “controversial elements gathered from feedback,” according to a statement. The statement did not elaborate.

The movie stars Stiller as a model who is brainwashed into assassinating the prime minister of Malaysia because he wants to increase the minimum wage for workers in Malaysia. The fashion industry sees this as a threat, because it wouldn’t be able to take advantage of poor laborers in the country anymore.

In Malaysia, “Zoolander” has not yet been censored, but it has not entered theaters yet. There is, however, bootleg copies available. The government has advised police to seize remaining copies of it.

– News gathered by Bethany Kohoutek from and the Associated Press