EDITORIAL:IRHA waste of time
February 5, 2002
Resistance is futile. At least against the Board of Regents. And especially if you are the Inter-Residence Hall Association.
IRHA has submitted a bill to change the name of the Jischke Honors Building, which they don’t think should be named after the controversial former university president.
Only one problem – an IRHA bill to change the name of the Jischke Honors Building isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. In order to change the name of the building, the request would have to be approved by ISU President Gregory Geoffroy and then the Board of Regents. Throw in the fact that the bill is a year late and you have a waste of time and effort on part of IRHA.There is a limit to what IRHA can do on this campus. That limit needs to be realized in order for IRHA representatives’ constituents’ concerns be dealt with. Most students in the dorms never heard of Martin Jischke. And what business is it of IRHA to be meddling with business outside the dorms? Let GSB pass a meaningless resolution if they please; the Jischke bill is more their territory.
Instead of trying to take on the Board of Regents over a year-old issue, why not tackle important residence hall issues – talk about food service concerns, condoms in the dorms or Residence Hall Week. IRHA should be undertaking more philanthropic work instead of taking up time with frivolous dead-end bills.
editorialboard: Andrea Hauser, Tim Paluch, Michelle Kann, Omar Tesdell, Charlie Weaver