LETTER:Daily GSB-haters ignoring the facts

Andy Tofilon

I would like to start off by saying it is obvious that someone at the Daily must have had a very bad day Tuesday and took out its underlying hostilities toward GSB by attacking a proposed policy and blatantly and egregiously ignoring key and essential facts to do so.

We are in constant contact with the GSB reporter and she was told that the policy is evolving and had changed since the rough draft appeared in the Daily.

The language changes every day with the appreciated input from faculty and students. The edit board completely ignored that, choosing instead to print the wrong draft.

The most flagrant and unbelievable omission was that we have been walking hand-in-hand with members of the Faculty Senate and administration on this policy; this is not just GSB shouting at the wind.

Over the last three weeks we have been working closely with members of the ISU Faculty Senate and thus the policy is becoming better with educated input.

I appreciate criticism; it’s the only way I can get things done right. However, irrational, uneducated GSB-haters who had a bad day do not help advance dialogue on an important issue. I want input about how we can do this right or whether we should do it at all. If you are interested in this issue, please go to www.gsb.iastate.edu and view the policy, then e-mail me at [email protected] with your comments, questions, or concerns.

If the edit board wants to criticize a group or person, start doing your homework and talk to the reporters who know the facts, and don’t let a bad day affect your responsibilities as journalists.

Last time you had a bad day three outstanding editors were fired, something even Jischke would have thought was extreme.

Andy Tofilon


Journalism and mass communication


Government of the Student Body