LETTER:Firings display lack of professionalism

Jason Taylor

Once again, I am amazed by the Daily. Or rather, I am amazed by the complete lack of professionalism in handling the three editors who appeared in the “questionable” ad in Toons. I agree that yes, it was perhaps out of line. However, most people who read Toons do realize that it is a publication intended to make one laugh, and that it is very possible that some of the advertisements are even intended to elicit laughter.

I find it hard to believe that anyone could take it seriously. To fire three employees for something as trivial as this is going too far. They should have been reprimanded, but not fired.

I also find Hauser’s comment of this ad “harming the integrity of the Daily” quite ironic. It’s funny that we didn’t hear anything about the Daily’s integrity when it published a picture of a “Sister Strap-on” from Peepland last year.

Perhaps the Daily is turning over a new leaf and setting better standards for themselves so as not to further ruin any credibility they may have left as a news publication. I certainly hope so. However, taking drastic actions for minor offenses and letting major ones go by will not improve the Daily at all.

Jason Taylor


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