EDITORIAL:GSB has no business in Daily personnel issue

Editorial Board

The Government of the Student Body is a group of students that works to help ISU students.

That’s what several GSB senators were trying to do when they filed the “Hasty Actions in Hamilton Hall” resolution last week.

The majority of last week’s meeting was spent discussing the firing of three editors at the Daily – Wendy Weiskircher, Sara Tennessen and Valerie Dennis – after their appearance in a Feb. 6 Toons advertisement.

Jonathan Weaver, off-campus, said the resolution was written as a response to the vast majority of students who are very upset about decisions at the Daily.

“My goal with the resolution is that the editor in chief of the Daily, Andrea Hauser, would reconsider her actions, rehire the three editors and apologize for her actions,” he said in a Daily article.

GSB is voting on the resolution at tonight’s meeting.

But just because students care about an issue doesn’t mean that its an issue GSB has any control over. Not everything falls under the realm of the student government.

Sure, students care about the cost of beer at Hy-Vee, but there is nothing GSB senators can do to help. GSB can’t remove campus leaders from their respective groups because of a difference of opinion in their governing tactics. GSB senators need to recognize their purpose, or lack of one, in this situation.

The decision Hauser made was a private personnel one that has no place on the GSB agenda.

GSB senators need to respect the decision concerning employment at the Daily, so that when students approach senators with concerns they can act accordingly.

Senators can remind ISU students that the Daily is a business on campus and its personnel decisions are a private matter. There is nothing they can do about it, unless the affects of such decisions have a drastic overall impact on the product – the paper – that the business provides to students.

So, if the resolution is about the suffering of the newspaper as a whole, GSB senators need to realize that the Daily has continued to be printed every day, filled with local news, since the firing of the three experienced editors.

Plus the senators said this resolution is not related to student fee allocation, a process they will undertake later this spring.

But if it isn’t about money, then what is it about? What will a resolution solve?

Especially since student fees are the only connection GSB has to the Daily staff.

Despite the various reasons for resolution, the final thought is that GSB senators have a right to their opinion on the issue. That’s it.

But Hauser is the one that made the personnel decision. It was her decision to make. There’s nothing GSB can do to change the decision. GSB needs to make the right decision and drop the issue. It’s the professional thing to do.

editorialboard: Andrea Hauser, Tim Paluch, Michelle Kann, Charlie Weaver, Omar Tesdell