Thai Night includes food, presentations

The ISU community got a taste of Thailand Sunday night at the first “Thai Night” held by the Thai Student Association.

“Our main objective of tonight was to educate the community about Thai culture,” said Thanapong Duangmanee, president of the Thailand Student Association.

The event began with the viewing of several cultural exhibits of Thai art and culture. Traditional Thai appetizers, including som tum, a green papaya salad, were served.

More traditional Thai cuisine was served buffet-style, with spicy and nonspicy options offered. The meal included jasmine rice and pad thai, a spicy noodle dish.

“We offered spicy and nonspicy foods for people who are not used to the spiciness of Thai food,” said Duangmanee, graduate assistant in environmental engineering.

Brian Standley, graduate student in civil and construction engineering, had never tasted Thai food before and enjoyed the meal.

“It’s all very interesting,” Standley said. “I’ve always heard good things about Thai food, and this is a great way to try new things.”

After the meal, two short presentations about the land, government and culture of Thailand were shown, and there was a drawing for Thai souvenirs.

Narong Tanawongnukul, member of Thai Student Association and graduate assistant in industrial engineering, said the presentations were designed to educate the average citizen about Thailand.

“We want to show everyone Thai culture and tradition,” Tanawongnukul said. “Films such as `The King And I’ have given the wrong view of our country, and we want people to know the true Thailand.”

Members of the association performed several traditional Thai folk dances, including a warrior dance and a courting dance. Rum Wong, the official dance of Thailand, was also performed, and audience members were invited to join the members onstage.

Tanawongnukul said he considered the event a success.

“This is exactly what we were hoping for,” Tanawongnukul said. “The Ames community is very good to international students, and we’re glad so many people came out tonight.”

Duangmanee agreed with Tanawongnukul.

“Our club put so much time into this event,” Duangmanee said. “We’ve tried our best to represent Thailand as a whole.”