LETTER:Foundation keeping Mitchell salary secret

Bill Kunerth

I was surprised (perhaps “shocked”) to learn that Iowa State Foundation President Tom Mitchell has refused to tell the public what his salary (and bonus?) is for the current year.

On several occasions, Mitchell has explained that the Foundation is as open as it can be in providing the public with information about its operation – so long as that information does not discourage potential donors or allow for the identification of donors who wish to remain anonymous. Perhaps Mitchell fears that publication of his salary would discourage donors, or maybe he is pleading executive privilege.

In an earlier article, Mitchell said “We [the Foundation] need to communicate better to the public how much it costs to raise money.” Certainly that would involve revealing how much the Foundation has to pay super-efficient fund-raisers like Mitchell to bring in all those bucks. Actually, his salary is made public in an annual report the Foundation has to file with the IRS. But this year’s salary will be in the upcoming report (February, 2003).

Why does Mitchell think it must be kept secret during the intervening months? The 2001-2002 Iowa State University Budget lists the names and salaries of 79 ISU Foundation employees. So far as I can tell, only one name and one salary is missing – Mr. Mitchell’s.

That doesn’t seem fair. In 2000, he received $148,000; in 2001, $177,000 (20 percent increase). Any guesses for 2002? Mine is $235,000.

Bill Kunerth

ISU professor emeritus

Journalism and mass communication