Weekly Calendar

Thursday, Feb. 28

Storytelling – A Celebration of Black History, with Pearl Jefferson of Des Moines, in the LeBaron Lounge, 11 a.m., free

“Austrian Nazis Reinvent the Past through Folklore,” lecture with James Dow, ISU foreign languages and literatures, at 240 Scheman, 7 p.m.

Poetry reading, poets will explore “Sustaining Land and Community,” poetry readers are Mary Swander, Deb Marquart and Sheryl St. Germain, all of the ISU English department and Twyla Hansen, a Nebraska horticulturalist, at Brunnier Gallery, 7 p.m., free

“A Message of Hope and Triumph for Youth,” lecture with Darrell Scott, father of Rachel Joy Scott, one of the victims of the Columbine High School shootings, at Stephens Auditorium, 7 p.m., free

“The Matchmaker,” ISU Theatre performance, at Fisher Theater, 7:30 p.m., ISU students: $4.50, non-students: $10

AKL-Palooza, concert to benefit Youth and Shelter Services, featuring local bands Max Power, Twistin’ Trees, Argos and Johnny on the Rocks, at The Maintenance Shop, Memorial Union, 7:30 p.m., $5

“Croupier,” SUB film, in the Pioneer Room, MU, 8 p.m., $2

Friday, March 1

“I Musici de Montreal,” featuring a world-class orchestra with renowned conductor and artistic director, Yuli Turovsky, at Stephens, 7:30 p.m., ISU students/ 18 and under: $19, $16, $13, non-students: $37, $31, $25

“The Matchmaker,” ISU Theatre performance, at Fisher Theater, 7:30 p.m., ISU students: $4.50, non-students: $10

“Croupier,” SUB film, in the Pioneer Room, Memorial Union, 8 p.m., $2

Saturday, March 2

Malaysian Cultural Night 2002, a cultural event to display the Malaysian culture through food, performance and cultural display, ticket proceeds donated to American Red Cross, in the Oak Room, South Ball Room, Great Hall, MU, 5 p.m.

Poison Control Center, Horrorshow Hoods, Eyes Last Glance, Lost Cause, Breaking Point, Back Channel, rock concert, at the Botanical Center, Des Moines, 6 p.m., $6

Karyshma Music Concert, a raga and rock concert, sponsored by the India Cultural Association, at Ames City Hall Auditorium, 7 p.m., students: $8, other tickets: $18 – $25

“The Matchmaker,” ISU Theatre performance, at Fisher Theater, 7:30 p.m., ISU students: $4.50, non-students: $10

“Croupier,” SUB film, in the Pioneer Room, Memorial Union, 8 p.m., $2

Joe Price, country/ blues/ slide-guitar concert, at the M-Shop, MU, 8 p.m., ISU students: $5, non-students: $7

Sunday, March 3

“Toys of the World Day,” an educational, multi-cultural and creative afternoon for children of all ages, with the University Museums staff and the ISU YWCA, at Brunnier Art Museum, 2 p.m., free

Concert to celebrate the arrival of ISU’s 14th president, Gregory Goeffroy, featuring 70 voice Iowa State Singers, the 60 piece ISU Wind Ensemble, the 75 piece ISU Symphony Orchestra, and ISU’s artist in residence, Simon Estes, at Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, 3 p.m., $10

Monday, March 4

“Dialogues on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault,” discussion with Tii Russell, in the Pioneer Room, MU, noon, free

Short, informal organ concert, part of First Monday Organ Series (held the first Monday of each month while ISU is in session), at the Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, 5:20 p.m., free

“Practice Makes Perfect: Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths,” lecture with Carol Anderson, associate professor of religious studies, at Kalamazoo College, in the Sun Room, MU, 8 p.m., free

Tuesday, March 5

“Gender Differences Among Cultures,” lecture with Kathy Zaimes on how gender differences present conflict and challenge when cultures intersect with the United States’ perspectives, in the Gallery Room, MU, noon, free

Wednesday, March 6

“Newcomers to Old Towns: Suburbanization of the Heartland,” with Sonya Salamon, professor of community studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, part of Annual Bultena Lecture in Sociology, in the Sun Room, MU, 8 p.m., free

– Information gathered by Bethany Kohoutek