LETTER:Article patronizes African-Americans

Paul Goodman

Omar Tesdell’s February 13th article “Day gives credit to inventions of blacks” largely trivialized Black History Month by reducing African-Americans’ significant contributions to mere inventions (e.g. mop, ironing board, and comb). Why must we constantly accentuate the positive at the price of omitting the negative via selective perception?

What debt does America owe to the slaves who built it? Why are we not discussing the need for continued affirmative action? Are things really that equal in today’s society? Why are reparations for slavery seemingly out of the question? What of the alleged disenfranchisement of citizens of color during the 2000 presidential election?

I feel it is my social obligation to submit the following information as my contribution to Black History Month. Civil rights organizations nationwide, including the NAACP, People for the American Way, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the ACLU have filed a lawsuit that seeks legal remedies for a wide range of voter complaints, including, polling sites being removed without timely notice; Haitian voters being denied assistance from translators; and intimidation of black voters through the use of state patrol roadblocks. It’s extremely hard for me to believe that good old Jeb and George had nothing to do with these peculiarities.

Maybe Alan Keyes, Condoleeza Rice, or Colin Powell don’t feel these issues are important to black America at this point in time due to the “war on terrorism,” but many people such as myself, Al Sharpton, Ralph Nader, Cornell West and many others certainly do.

White people, do not be afraid to vote for a black president in 2004 but please be sure they are more than a Republican puppet.

Paul Goodman

