LETTER:`Powers that be’ have no sense of humor

Brian Stillman

I am writing the Daily for the first time in about a year to stand up for the three fine editors who were fired on Sunday at the whim of Queen Andrea Hauser. It was almost exactly a year ago when I was relieved of my columnist duties at the Daily because the “powers that be” in the newsroom have no sense of humor. The Daily tries to give people the impression that it is a first-rate publication with the highest of standards and will not tolerate discrepancies. What the staff needs to realize is this is a college newspaper, which means its writers and personnel should be allowed to have some fun.

Sara, Valerie and Wendy were fired for having their pictures along with some humorous comments published in Toons, which by the way is a publication aimed at having fun and making people laugh. Apparently Queen Hauser didn’t think it was too funny.

What Queen Hauser managed to do was severely hurt the reputations of these three young women and damage their chances of obtaining internships or jobs in the near future. I know for a fact that all three of these young ladies loved working for the Daily and were profoundly upset with Hauser’s actions.

I feel truly sorry for all three but I can still see a side of humor in the issue. Hauser just fired three of her best editors. The noose is now around her neck in trying to do all their hard work by herself. Good luck Andrea.

Brian Stillman


Journalism and mass communication