Snow boosts outdoor center

Iowa’s first big snowfall has given ISU students the chance to use the winter equipment available through the ISU Outdoor Recreation Center.

Todd O’Neal, Outdoor Recreation employee, said the first floor of State Gym has seen a little more traffic since Thursday’s snowfall.

“Business has increased a lot,” said O’Neal, senior in liberal studies. “We’ve been renting out a lot of skis.”

Outdoor Recreation Center employee Seth Riggs, senior in mechanical engineering, said this season’s above-average temperatures and lack of measurable snowfall for much of the season has affected the use of equipment at the Outdoor Recreation Center.

“We were renting out water craft later than normal this fall,” Riggs said. “This winter has been cold enough that people don’t want to do much outside, but they haven’t been able to use most of the winter equipment because there hasn’t been enough snow.”

A cross country skiing workshop scheduled for Thursday was canceled due to a lack of participation.

“I think there would have been a lot more interest in it if it had snowed sooner,” O’Neal said.

Although winter gear rental has been slow, the Outdoor Recreation Center has not seen much change in revenue. It operates mostly on money included in student tuition fees, Riggs said.

O’Neal said he expects business to remain steady. “As long as there is snow, people will keep coming in,” he said.

In addition to equipment rental, the Outdoor Recreation Center sponsors workshops and trips for students and staff.

The Outdoor Recreation Center can help groups and individuals plan their own outdoor outings. They offer both human knowledge and a resource center with books available for checkout, as well as periodicals and equipment catalogues.

“We are all experienced in outdoor activities and can help people with whatever they need,” Riggs said.

Winter equipment available for rent at the Outdoor Recreation Center includes cross country skis, snowshoes, men’s and women’s ice skates, ice augers and ski carriers.

Students and staff can rent equipment by the day or weekend.

O’Neal would like to see more students and staff take advantage of the Outdoor Recreation Center.

“We want people to know we’re here,” he said.

The Outdoor Recreation Center, located at 0260 State Gym, is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. It is open for equipment check-in and trip and workshop registration Sundays from 5 8 p.m.