LETTER:Obvious satire not worthy of dismissal

Anthony Contento

I was saddened by the decision of Daily editor Andrea Hauser to fire editors Sara Tennessen, Wendy Weiskircher and Valerie Dennis. Perhaps Tennessen was worthy of a dismissal for, as reported in the upstanding news publication Toons, “obscenities and slander” (unless she was in charge of preventing obscenities and slander).

Also, perhaps Weiskircher was also worthy of a pink slip for “libel and maliciousness” (unless she was in charge of preventing libel and maliciousness). But, did poor Valerie Dennis really deserve to be fired for “tomfoolery and fiction?” Every good newspaper has its share of “tomfoolery.”

Look at the Daily Planet, or the Daily Bugle, which both have tomfoolery, shenanigans and the occasional supervillain. Also, fiction is a very important part of Iowa universities. Both Iowa State and Iowa have world-class creative writing programs, which should be held with pride and presented more often in the Daily. I feel Ms. Dennis should be offered her job back (as well as a heart-felt apology). Perhaps the people truly responsible for this whole issue is the editorial staff at Toons.

They should be the ones held accountable, and not these young editors. The staff at Toons should have been more careful in their reporting and research on these young women (unless their bios were meant to be satire).

Anthony Contento

ISU staff scientist