LETTER:Hauser can dish it out, but can’t take it
February 13, 2002
Growing up in the same community as Daily editor Andrea Hauser and attending the same high school, I have known for a long time of her one-sided, often incorrect assumptions.
Earlier this week, Ms. Hauser found it necessary to eliminate the jobs of three talented editors when she felt an ad from a humorous independent newspaper supposedly “could harm the integrity of the Daily.”
This is coming from the editor of the same paper that on numerous occasions this year has been quick to criticize GSB, DPS and other campus organizations. Many could consider these actions by the Iowa State Daily as “harming the integrity” of those respective organizations.
Yet after none of these did we see Ms. Hauser admitting to any wrong doing or taking any actions against those who wrote them. So it seems as though the Daily and Ms. Hauser are willing to dish it out, but are not willing to take it in return.
So Andrea, as much as you like to tell all of us how hard you work, I hope this whole situation makes your job much tougher.
Daryl Jaeger