Music faculty compose themselves

Mike Britson

Three ISU music faculty members get a chance to strut their stuff Thursday at the ISU Faculty Composers’ Concert.

Jeffrey Prater, Anne Deane and Kris Bryden have all composed pieces for the event, which will include several ISU student performers.

Prater, who has been a member of the music department for the past 24 years, has written three pieces for the program.

He is also chairman of the music theory division and director of the ISU Chamber Singers.

“Veil Dances,” featuring ISU bassoonist Jennifer Speer, senior in music curriculum, “Canon for Two Violins” with students Gretchen Theesfield, freshman in music, and Emma Kearney, liberal arts and sciences major, and “Three Selected Sacred Songs,” with soprano Leslie Schafer, senior in music, and pianist Luke Foster, senior in biology, are the pieces written by Prater.

Prater says his music is often commissioned, as is the case with “Veil Dances,” or written for friends.

“Canon for Two Violins” and “Three Selected Sacred Songs,” were both written with friends in mind, says Prater, professor of music.

Deane, assistant professor of music in her first year at Iowa State, is contributing two compositions for the concert, “Positive Thinking,” performed by flutist Elizabeth Sadilek, associate professor of music, and “Light, Shadow, Day.”

“Positive Thinking,” in addition to the flute, will feature spoken word with the music.

Deane’s personal friend Fred Chance wrote a poem and recited it, and Deane put it on tape.

Chance has since died of AIDS.

“Light, Shadow, Day” will be performed entirely on a computer-generated tape, including the sounds of fire, bowling balls and a pool table break, Deane says. She is currently working on a memorial to the Sept. 11 attacks.

Bryden, adjunct assistant professor in her first year at Iowa State, is also contributing three pieces for the performance: “Kaleidoscope,” “Duo for Flute and Violin” and “Daybreak: Retreat of the Night.”

The songs were written from her personal experiences and expressions, she says.

Speer, Foster, and clarinetist Shelby Sievers, junior in music, will perform “Kaleidoscope.”

Flutist Sarah Bauer, senior in chemical engineering, and violinist Theesfield will perform “Duo for Flute and Violin,” and Sievers, Speer, along with flutist Sarah Allard, senior in music, will perform “Daybreak: Retreat of the Night.”

The Composers Concert will be at the Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall in the Music Building at 7:30 p.m. Thursday.

The event is free to the public.