Award-winning choir to perform

Jessie Pohlman

Ames will get a taste of Scandinavia tonight when the award-winning Sibelius High School Chamber Choir performs two concerts, one on the ISU campus and the other at Collegiate United Methodist Church, 2622 W. Lincoln Way.

The Sibelius choir, which is made up of both male and female singers, was named “Choir of the Year” by Finland’s Broadcasting. Its members have traveled to a variety of countries. This is their fourth trip to the U.S., and they’ve performed in Tokyo and Buenos Aires, among other cities.

The first concert will be performed at 12:10 p.m. in the Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall. Both concerts will be co-hosted by the Iowa State Singers and the Ames children’s choir.

James Rodde, professor of music, said the program will be divided into two parts.

“The first half will be music from Scandinavia,” Rodde said. “The second half is called `Around The World’ and has eight pieces from all over, even including a piece from Billy Joel.”

Rodde said the ISU choir “will be singing a couple of Renaissance motet pieces, spirituals and a couple of songs from the holiday concert.”

The second concert will be given at 7:30 p.m. at the Collegiate United Methodist Church.

Sylvia Munsen, director of the children’s choir, said the Finnish singers will be hosted by families of children in her choir.

“We’ve been graciously hosted by families in other countries when we travel and look forward to returning the favor,” said Munsen, associate professor of music.

Munsen said her choir will be performing a few of its songs for the Finnish students at 4:45 p.m. before the Sibelius concert begins to give the children “the joy of sharing our music.”

“Especially at this time, all of us should be looking for ways that we can communicate and connect with other cultures,” Munsen said.

Rodde said audiences can “expect to hear some fine choral music and fine singing. A good portion will be music that we have not heard from their part of the world.”

Both concerts are free and open to the public.