Stewart named DPS director, replaces Jaeger

After a nationwide search, Jerry Stewart has officially been appointed director of the Department of Public Safety.

Stewart began as interim DPS director Aug. 15, replacing former director Loras Jaeger after he resigned to become the new Ames police chief.

Jaeger, who worked with Stewart for 17 years, said Stewart “is doing a fantastic job.”

“A true measure of leadership is when someone in an organization resigns and someone in the organization steps up and takes over the position,” he said.

From 1990 until 2001, Stewart served as DPS associate director. He was in charge of the patrol, investigative and special operations units of the department, in addition to managing the national accreditation process for DPS in 1998.

Stewart said the director’s position is very different from the associate position.

“The associate position is more operationally oriented then the director position,” he said. “It involves more responsibilities of fiscal management.”

DPS has established new department initiatives and a five-year plan under Stewart’s direction. He said the plan includes establishing a closer liaison with crime victims and witnesses, intensifying crime prevention outreach on campus and in the community and expanding parking in a cost effective manner.

DPS works closely with the Ames Police Department, Story County Sheriff’s Department, Story County Attorney’s Office and other community agencies to help provide a safe environment on campus for students, faculty, staff and visitors.

To aid in law enforcement, DPS employs 33 certified law enforcement officers, 10 other full-time and 100 part-time workers, including student officers and security personnel.