IRHA postpones movie vote

Jamie Ridnour

An increase in movie prices and the introduction of a new program prompted the Inter-Residence Hall Association to postpone the vote on extra funding for the Free Friday Flicks program.

The original bill stated that Free Friday Flicks needs $400 to continue operation with the remaining two movies for this semester because due to the increase in movie prices.

The bill was amended at Thursday’s meeting to increase the amount allocated to Free Friday Flicks to $1,450 in order to fund operation for the entire year, rather than just the remainder of this semester. IRHA voted 13-6-2 to postpone its vote on the bill.

The vote was postponed until next week’s meeting in order to obtain more information regarding the increase in money the amendment to the bill will include.

Clayton Johanson, treasurer of Free Friday Flicks, said the bill increased funding from $600 to $750 per movie, $10 more than the current average price of a movie. This will give Free Friday Flicks more room to deal with problems such as price increases, he said.

“I know that it sounds like a lot of money, particularly now that this bill’s total cost is increasing, but I really don’t want to cut a movie or two to make up the difference,” said Johanson, junior in transportation and logistics.

In the past, Free Friday Flicks had a surplus to work with. But this year’s money has been spent to cover the unexpected costs, he said.

“I’m really excited about next semester,” Johanson said. “We’re going to be doing a new thing called `Classic Free Friday Flicks’. We’re going to show the Alfred Hitchcock thriller “Rear Window”, so that will actually help us out. It’ll be cheaper.”

An extra movie will be shown next semester because it was held over from this semester.

“Next semester there will be 11 movies due to the cancellation of A.I. this semester,” he said.

Dave Breutzman, TRA at-large, said he is in favor of the bill.

“Well, it is a lot of money,” he said. “But under the circumstances, it seems to be reasonable.”

IRHA’s next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.