LETTER:Back to the caves for anti-war protesters
December 14, 2001
I have a few things to say to all the anti-war protesters. First of all, you need to go back to the cave you crawled out of and stay there. Do you know how ridiculous some of you look and sound? You are not doing anything right and are only hurting our united America.
Second, I do not see how you can protest what the United States military is doing in Afghanistan.
The United States was attacked, without warning, by cowards who ended up murdering thousands of Americans. Why are you defending murderers?
Our armed forces are acting in self-defense and are trying to make sure that the murderers can never do again what they did in New York and to the Pentagon. If someone were to attack your house you would definitely act in self-defense and go after them.
Third, why are you protesting the violence over in Afghanistan? Shouldn’t you first worry about the issues that are occurring in your own home country? There are plenty of problems over here that should be attended to first, including our economy, state and budget problems, health care, the environment and all the violence in the United States.
Focus on your country first before worrying about other countries. You should protest against our government’s inadequate care for veterans who have fought wars for the United States.
They deserve more attention than people who you don’t know that live very far away.
On behalf of all Americans that have patriotism, which you obviously don’t have, quit it and let our country stay united and win the war against Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida network.
You are not helping one bit. Rather, you are only making things worst.
You owe your country much, so try showing the president and the armed forces some support and respect instead of supporting Afghans, terrorists and murderers. Or are those the kind of people that you like?
Jonathan Lotz
Political Science