LETTER:Cell-phoners need to learn some respect

Sun-Hwa Kwack

Various melodies can be heard everywhere. What is this sound? Cell phones ringing.

People carry cell phones because it is convenient. However, this could be inconvenient to other people because of its disturbance, if it rings in an unexpected place such as the classes and the library.

I often hear cell phones ringing in classes. Some teachers don’t respond to this, but other teachers get annoyed.

The ring cuts into the lecture and at that moment, the teacher suddenly gets confused what he or she was talking about. Also, students’ concentration gets disrupted. The same thing happens in the library. It’s really a quiet place where individuals study, and then someone gets a call on the cell phone, and talks loudly among the others studying nearby. This is pretty annoying to others.

I think everyone should respect other people using the library. If people are in quiet places like classes or the library, they should turn the ring off, or turn on the vibrate.

When people get calls, it’s better to go out to exit or stairways to speak on the phone not to make other people interrupted. Let’s think of others.

Sun-Hwa Kwack

