People can find plenty of great shopping deals on the Internet

Chris Weishaar

With the dot-com explosion a few years back, major competition for buyers blossomed on Web sites.

Each one tried to outbid the other by offering better coupons, specials or sales. This was an excellent time to be a consumer as there was always a better deal to be had online.

In an effort to maximize savings and take advantage of every offer, Web sites such as and have sprung up. The Web sites offered a quick reference for coupons, as well as a place to discuss deals with fellow consumers. Tim Storm, founder of, remembers those days.

“There were some absolutely ridiculous deals available,” Storm said. “Some of the best deals I’ve seen include free printers, free scanners, half price monitors – there have been times when you could get $100 in products just for being at the right place at the right time.”

I immediately took advantage of some of the past deals, building my movie library and looking for cheap computer parts. Sadly, those days could not last and most insane deals have ceased to exist. However, the Internet continues to be an excellent place to shop and find deals.

Storm said 10 to 20 percent-off deals are still quite common, depending on the products and merchants. I have found it easy to find coupons, usually starting at $5 off a set purchase amount, on various Web sites. With the holiday season here, many Web sites have also started offering free shipping on many products. All of these can add up to give you substantial savings overall.

But the simple deals are not the only reason to head online. The community that has built up has made shopping online far better than before.

“In the off-line space, it is rare for customers to start talking to one another about how to get the best deal, or where the best specials are,” Storm said. “On the Web though, it is like going bargain hunting with thousands of your closest friends. Not only do your online friends help you find the best deals, they will also help you learn about good merchants and bad merchants to deal with.”

With thousands of people working in concert, you can be assured that deals will be maximized within hours of starting, and any mispricing will be promptly talked about. For example, one e-tailer marked the third James Bond DVD Collection for the price of a single DVD.

While most online businesses have set up policies to protect against this type of incident now, some will occasionally honor a mispricing, knowing it will make customers want to come back to their site. Such was the case with the James Bond set, a savings of more than $100. Usually, getting a deal like this is all a matter of timing.

Storm agrees that being aware is the key to success.

“I have found that personally, by being aware of offers as they become available puts you in a much stronger position,” he said. “When you see an item that you think you will need at a ludicrous price, jump on it. Invariably, when you need it, the promotion will be gone.”

So, if you are looking for a way to cut back this holiday season or just want some good deals for yourself, you may want to look online. With thousands of other deal-hungry shoppers, you are sure to find something to take advantage of. And as Storm said, the savings will easily justify the expense of getting online.

Chris Weishaar is a sophomore in construction engineering from Bronson.