IRHA to vote on Friday movie funding

Jamie Ridnour

When ISU students want to see hot new movies for free, they can just head over to Carver Hall and take in a Free Friday Flick – but increases in movie prices may cut down the semester’s remaining schedule.

Each week, a recently released movie is shown – at no cost to residence halls students – in the Carver lecture halls, sponsored by the Inter-Residence Hall Association.

Movies are shown almost every Friday evening, except for breaks and dead weeks, at 6:30 p.m. in Carver 101, 7:45 p.m. in Carver 001 and 9 p.m. in Carver 101.

Jon Barnhill, president of the residence hall movie commission, said the purpose of Free Friday Flicks is “to provide residence-hall students and their friends an activity to do on weekends that is safe, fun and affordable.”

IRHA will vote tonight on a bill to allocate $400 to Free Friday Flicks. IRHA provides $600 in funding for each of the movies. But recent price increases from the supplier, St. Louis-based Swank Motion Pictures, Inc., has caused movies to cost an average of $740, according to the IRHA bill.

“The raise in price is due to the general rise in production and marketing costs and also higher exhibition fees,” said Barnhill, junior in zoology.

According to the bill, Free Friday Flicks would be forced to cancel at least one movie for this semester without extra funding.

This semester, 10 movies were scheduled, with “American Pie 2” and “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” remaining to be shown.

TRA At-Large Dave Breutzman said he considers the request for additional funding to be “quite reasonable and understandable.

“Free Friday Flicks is one of the best things IRHA funds,” he said. “On any given Friday when I have attended, hundreds of residence-hall students get great benefits from this program.”

Breutzman said Free Friday Flicks is a program all of IRHA’s constituents can use, and that it is one of its most popular programs.

“I support it because it is a great program which allows residence-hall students free entertainment and a great alternative to house parties and keggers,” he said.

The Free Friday Flicks movie schedule and the bill can be found at the IRHA Web site,

IRHA will meet at 7 p.m. today in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union.