Indie bands plan benefit project

A group of noted independent musicians, including Bright Eyes, Elliot Smith and Wheat are planning a charity project that will benefit the homeless.

“The Amos House Collection, Vol. II” also contains material by Spoon, Ida and Belle & Sebastian’s Isobel Campbell.

This is the second time indie rockers have come together to combat homelessness. The first “Amos House Collection” featured Deathcab for Cutie, Idaho and the Ladybug Transistor.

The project will be released as a two-disc set. All proceeds will benefit the Amos House, an organization that assists homeless people. It will be released Jan. 15 on Wishing Tree Records.

MTV awards stolen in London

After the completion of the MTV Europe Music Awards ceremony last week, 21 dummy awards were stolen from MTV’s London office. Together they were worth $9,400.

The awards were only replicas of the actual awards winners receive. The real awards are engraved before the artist can take them home.

Woman named Guthrie director

Susan Baird Trapnell has been named the new managing director of Minneapolis’ famous Guthrie Theater. She is the first woman to be named to the position.

Currently Trapnell is the executive director for the Seattle Arts Commission.

David Hawkanson is the present managing director, a position he has held since 1996.

Britney dethrones King of Pop

Pop princess Britney Spears has pushed Michael Jackson from the top of the charts this week.

In fact, Jackson’s album, “Invincible,” fell to No. 3, as Pink Floyd’s greatest hits compilation took No. 2.

Coming in at No. 4 was Enrique Iglesias’ `Escape,” followed by Enya’s “Day Without Rain.”

Country music also held down a top 10 spot. Crooner George Strait wrangled the No. 9 spot with his latest, “Road Less Traveled.”

Janet Jackson plans cable appearance

Plans are in the works for Janet Jackson’s first televised special since “Janet: The Velvet Rope” aired in 1998.

“All for You: Live in Concert from Hawaii” will air on HBO on Feb. 13.

HBO has aired other concerts this year, as well. Bruce Springsteen, Madonna and Britney Spears have all filmed performance specials for the cable network.

Cruise, Kidman reach agreement

Actor Tom Cruise and actress Nicole Kidman have finalized the details of their divorce after nine months of legal considerations. They have not yet settled on custody issues for their children.

– News gathered by Bethany Kohoutek from the Associated Press, and