LETTER:Atheism infuses religion into science

Paul Armstrong

It is a popular assertion made by atheists such as those in the ISU Atheist & Agnostic Society that Christians have no evidence for what they believe.

Atheists often pride themselves of the “scientific” roots of their religion, and demand scientific evidence from Christians for their religious beliefs.

Atheistic zealots will argue that atheistic presuppositions are necessary for scientific investigation to go unhindered, since science can only shed light on the natural, and not the supernatural. Thus, any theory that invokes the supernatural is said to be scientifically invalid. Since atheism necessarily assumes that the supernatural realm is nothing but a human fabrication, anybody of scientific evidence that would seem to point to an intelligent designer could simply be dismissed as “unscientific.”

In this way, atheists have managed to cleverly infuse their religious dogma into science. It shouldn’t surprise us then that when scientific investigations reveal facts about the natural that point irrefutably to a transcendent Creator, atheistic “scientists” still find a “scientific” theory preferable to a correct one.

After injecting these religious assumptions into science, atheists then use this modified science as their religious foundation. It is really a blatantly circular line of reasoning. Atheists usually attempt to silence those scientists who advocate other theories of universal origins without debate or refutation because they know perfectly well that naturalism could not stand if thrown against the backdrop of more intellectually feasible and scientifically valid theories.

If naturalism were discredited, the entire atheist left, along with all of its implications of relative morality, would come crashing down with it. It is easy to see then that atheism is less grounded in reason and science than in emotional attachments to political and ethical beliefs.

The only reason atheists can claim there is no “evidence” of God is because they have restricted the definition of “evidence” to preclude all the clear evidence of God that they just do not want to see.

Paul Armstrong


Aerospace engineering