Beat Box

Johnny Cash hospitalized

Johnny Cash, legendary country singer, was admitted into Baptist Hospital in Nashville, Tenn., this week for bronchitis. He was undergoing treatment and doctors reportedly said the condition was not serious.

Cash has been hospitalized for pneumonia several times since 1997. He suffers from autonomic neuropathy, a disease that makes him more susceptible to pneumonia.

Cash is 69 years old.

Reeve opens paralysis center

Christopher Reeve and wife Dana have established the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center to educate those with paralysis.

The government has promised $2 million in funding to assist the project.

The center, to be located in Short Hills, N.J., will house a comprehensive library.

Gorillaz to release single, not video

Gorillaz, the animated ‘toon group that released its first album this year, has a new single, “19-2000” ready for stores.

The video, however, has been scrapped after some of the scenes seemed inappropriate in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Miho Hatori of the Japanese trip-pop band Cibo Matto is the lead vocalist for “19-2000.”

– News gathered by Bethany Kohoutek from, and