EDITORIAL:Expand free speech
October 21, 2001
President Geoffroy has expressed interest in easing restrictions on public assembly and the so-called “free-speech zones.”
This will allow most campus grounds and facilities to be used by the non-commercial public without applying for prior permission. Current policy requires permission for activities held on campus with the exception of public forum areas, in other words, the free speech zones. The current plan encourages the use of the free speech zone, but does not require it.
Assembly in other areas of campus is allowed without prior consent. Current revisions call only for a notice to the university for large events on campus. The proposed revisions also allow for groups of students to meet in common areas in university buildings without needing permission.
Any expansion of free speech on campus is a good thing. We have been ensured the right to free speech by the U.S. Constitution. It’s a right that is not afforded to many people around the world. This decision to ease the restrictions simply makes a gathering on campus a more real possibility.
An important consideration, however, is that the educational process should not be disturbed by demonstrations and assemblies. We must be considerate of our fellow students’ education. The restrictions are in the process of being eased and we must show our maturity by respecting the other students.
Student opinions of all natures are voices that are important to be heard at a time like this. With these revisions, there are fewer obstacles to organizing a public event on campus. The proposed changes encourage responsible gatherings of students and help to give the freedoms we are guaranteed.
editorialboard: Andrea Hauser, Tim Paluch, Michelle Kann, Zach Calef, Omar Tesdell