
Celebration honors Sept. 11 heroes

ISU Theatre is sponsoring a celebration, “Threnody for Tuesday,” for Sept. 11 heroes and heroines in order to help the public cope with the terrorist attacks.

The event will begin at 8:45 a.m. and will end at 4 p.m. in front of Parks Library.

The public will be able to pay tribute to the victims by writing a narrative or painting a picture on strips of fabric. These strips will be sewn together to create an installation art piece in hopes of becoming a traveling exhibition.

In addition the public will be able to label a balloon with the name of a Sept. 11 hero or heroine to be released at noon.

The Iowa State Dancers, during a moment of silence from the time the Campanile begins at noon until the last chime, will perform a dance in “Aiding the Ascension of the Spirit.”

The public is welcome to participate in this event.

Candidates to meet students at forum

ISU students have the opportunity to meet candidates for the Ames General Election at 4 p.m. in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union.

The candidates that will be available for questions are Ted Tedesco, Sharon Wirth, Daryle Vegge, Bonnie Homstad and Russ Cross.

Students can also register to vote and learn about the Hallett’s Quarry’s Bond issue at the forum.

IRHA parliament meeting tonight

The InterResidence Hall Association is having its parliament meeting 7 p.m. in the Large Conference Room of the Maple-Willow-Larch Commons.

Compiled by Michelle Kann