`Lend Me a Tenor’ again

Iowa State University Theatre Presents “Lend Me a Tenor.”

Starting last Friday, ISU Theatre began performing the play by Ken Ludwig. This fast-paced farce delivered big laughs on opening night to a pleased crowd in Fisher Theater.

The story is as follows: Tito Merelli (Benjamin Jackson), larger than life Italian opera star, comes to Cleveland to make his American debut as the star of “Othello.” Young Max (Matt Kawa) is assigned by his boss Mr. Saunders (Michael Chemers) to keep an eye on the opera singer until the time of the show. Unfortunately, Merelli has brought along his wife Maria (Cassie Bonnett), who engages in constant bickering with him.

Meanwhile, Max’s girlfriend Maggie (Melissa Larsen), a huge Tito Merelli fan, is hiding in the opera singer’s bedroom. Instead of surprising Tito, Tito’s wife finds Maggie waiting in the closet. Mrs. Merelli, assuming the worst, writes an angry note and storms out of the hotel cursing her unfaithful husband.

Things keep getting worse as Max and Saunders find Mrs. Merelli’s note and assume it is a suicide note from her husband.

Frantically, Max and Saunders throw together a hasty plan to save the production. They propose to have a fraud stand in for Tito Merelli. But the problem is where to find a tenor who can sing like him.

The show sped along with intense action from all the characters. The scenes were filled with acrobatic actions and flying props. The actors performed very well and received much laughter for their efforts. One of the funniest characters was the pestering bellhop (D’Artangan Sean O’Connor De Los Rios) who draws laughs every time he comes on stage. Every character in the play is dynamic and fun to watch.

Tickets are available at the Iowa State Center ticket office and at Fisher Theater before the show.