ACTORS bring Verona, Italy to Ames

Picture this: a pregnant woman and her friend dress up as men and travel after the father to tell him of his unborn child.

This is only a taste of what will be included in the musical comedy “Two Gentleman of Verona,” which will be performed Oct. 12, 13, 19 and 20 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 14 and 21 at 2 p.m. at the Ames Community Theater of Recreation Services (ACTORS) Studio.

The production is a musical adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play that includes a combination of dancing, singing and acting.

With music by composer Galt MacDermot of “Hair” and lyrics by John Guare, the musical was originally written to bring Shakespeare to the masses, Director Tom Norris says.

“[It is] very close to Shakespeare, but understandable on stage,” he adds.

The comedy is about two young men who grow up as best friends in Verona, Italy. Proteus has no ambition in life, while his friend Valentine aspires to become the Duke of Milan.

Valentine decides to follow his dreams, so he heads for Milan. Shortly after, Proteus’ father persuades him to follow Valentine and learn about the court system. While in Milan, Valentine falls in love with a woman named Sylvia.

The comedy unfolds as the indecisive Proteus realizes that he too is in love with Sylvia and tries to come between the lovers.

Mike Lembke, who plays Proteus, describes the musical as very entertaining and funny. It also has a variety of music including calypso, samba, rock `n’ roll, ’60s doo-wop and ’70s psychedelic.

“The show is all about the music,” Norris says.

A lot of work goes into a production. Actors rehearse for about two months, and they practice two to four nights a week for about four hours, according to Lembke.

All of the people who perform in ACTORS productions are volunteers, mostly from Ames and the surrounding communities.

“We have plenty of debuts out here,” Lembke says. “The director might be looking for a specific spark, a vocal range and possibly a body type.”

Those who want to be part of a production should stop by the ACTORS Studio, located at 120 Abraham Drive, for audition dates. They are posted on the front door of the studio.

Memberships are available for patrons who want to be informed about ACTORS productions.

The full membership costs $45; it includes a newsletter, various discounts and five tickets to be used at the member’s leisure. The $5 volunteer membership entitles the patron to a newsletter and discounts.

Tickets are $11 for students and seniors and $15 for adults. They can be purchased at Big Table Books, 330 Main St., or by calling 232-8976.