Say yes to lights
October 9, 2001
Tonight the Government of the Student Body will vote on a bill to add more lights on campus. This is something GSB has tried to do for a decade, and we hope the bill passes. The bill uses $24,000 for 21 new lights by the end of the fall 2002 semester.
People have been expressing concern about lighting in some parts of campus for some time. It wasn’t until GSB leaders Andy Tofilon and Charlie Johnson took control that the plan actually looks like it will go into action.
They proposed the idea based on student requests and consultation with officials. GSB met the demand. The leaders have acted proactively on the issue of campus safety and should be duly rewarded for their efforts.
Fortunately, assaults and muggings are not common place on our camps, but that certainly does not mean we should rest on our laurels on the issue of campus safety. This type of action is the kind that is needed to help make our campus a safe place for students at night.
Lights are an important part of that safety strategy. The locations of the new lights were decided upon with a walk-through of campus. The assessment was made earlier this semester by GSB leaders and Department of Public Safety officials as well as university officials. If the bill is approved, the Design Center will be first to receive seven lights in the main plaza by the end of this semester. Then over the next year the 14 other lights will be put in place.
The university administration felt that it was an important cause and supports it. After all is said and done, it is important that this bill is passed to ensure that the “dark pockets” of our campus are illuminated and that the concerns of students are addressed.
editorialboard: Andrea Hauser, Tim Paluch, Michelle Kann, Zach Calef, Omar Tesdell