Ag Week to feature costume dance, barbecues

Trina Belzung

Barbecues, a costume dance and a hayride will highlight this year’s Agricultural Week going on through Friday.

Ag Week co-chair Jess Schnitzler said the goal this week is to pay tribute to all the College of Agriculture clubs and organizations.

“We bring all the clubs within the college together and honor them with a week of activities,” said Schnitzler, junior in dairy science.

Luke Dant, Ag Week committee member, said this week is a chance to show off the College of Agriculture to everyone on campus.

“I don’t think the ag college gets a lot of recognition from the other students, so it gives us a chance to get noticed,” said Dant, junior in horticulture.

The week kicks off today with a variety of events.

Schnitzler and Dant both said the costume dance is probably the biggest event of the week.

“It’s at a bar,” Schnitzler said. “It gives people a chance to kick back, relax and have a good time.”

Ag Week committee member Jason Madsen said he thinks the biggest day of the week is Wednesday.

“We’ve got a barbecue on Wednesday, and during the barbecue, there are three other events going on,” said Madsen, junior in agricultural engineering.

“Also, Wednesday night there is the hayride, bonfire and pumpkin carving.”

The Ag Week committee tries to get everyone involved who wants to be, Madsen said.

“We attempt to get all the clubs that want to be involved to at least sponsor one of the events,” he said. “Each club gets points per outing, and the club that has the most people involved in the week wins Ag Week.”