Hansen works to educate, inform all

Sherkiya Wedgeworth

This is the second story in a four-part series about women leaders on campus. Tomorrow’s profile spotlights Katie Greiman, disabilities senator for the Government of the Student Body.

The president of the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance is all about change.

“My main goal in life is to change people’s views about some things so that we can all be respected,” said Abby Hansen, senior in women’s studies.

Hansen said she wants to educate and inform people about feminism by showing them that sexism and privilege do exist.

“A lot of people deal with the problem by just ignoring it, and that’s not always the best way to deal with things,” she said. “Even if we just get people to think about things they never thought about before, we’ve gotten somewhere.”

Hansen said she hopes that by being visible, being available for people to talk to and engaging in some dialogue will change people’s views about feminism.

“Feminism is equal value of all people, not just one race, gender or sexuality,” she said. “It’s about respecting and celebrating differences.”

While she debated leaving Iowa State, Hansen decided that being in a place where everyone’s views are different is a good place to share her views with others.

“I just want people to know, `Hey, this is what we think,'” she said. “`Now come find out why.'”

The feminist movement has male supporters as well, and Hansen said she is very grateful for that.

“We have men out there like Kevin Powell who are telling the world that feminism is a great thing to be a part of,” she said.

“After hearing him talk about it, I was so excited.”

Powell, former senior writer for Vibe magazine, spoke to the ISU campus Oct. 2 about his struggle to overcome misogyny.

Hansen is a supporter for gay and lesbian rights and said beliefs like hatred, fear and discrimination can be changed.

She said she lives by a simple slogan: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”