EDITORIAL:Educate your vote

Editorial Board

This afternoon, ISU students will have the chance to meet the city council candidates who will be running to represent the 3rd Ward, which includes a large portion of the ISU community.

The forum will be held at 4 p.m. in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union.

Students are highly encouraged to attend the forum and ask questions they feel need answered.

This will be the only opportunity to really see what Daryle Vegge and Bonnie Homstad are about.

The council has made some very important recent decisions, such as the smoking ordinance. It is vital the students have an impact on these kind of decisions.

Iowa State accounts for roughly half of the city’s population, so it is extremely important that students make the right choice when electing a candidate.

Students will also be able to register to vote at the forum.

So go to register, if you have not done so yet, and listen to the different candidates to find out if your views coincide with one of the candidates.

After this afternoon, students will not have any excuses to make an educated vote on Nov. 6.

editorialboard: Andrea Hauser, Tim Paluch, Michelle Kann, Zach Calef, Omar Tesdell