LETTER:Moss’s Jackson column offensive

Derrell Beasley

My letter is in concern to Kyle Moss’s column about Michael Jackson in the Oct. 24 Daily. I found this column to be offensive as a fan, an African American, and a person in general. Because you may not enjoy his music is no reason to downplay his accomplishment in the music industry. Michael Jackson is a household name across the world and has been making good music consistently for four decades.

Also, if you are going to state facts get them right. Don’t talk about his skin color, either, because it is a condition he does not choose to have. So really what you are doing is talking about someone’s handicap. Michael Jackson is a legend and is the “King of Pop,” so until you can find someone else who can do this for 40 years and still be the best, your article might have some merit. Don’t slander someone just because you don’t agree with the things they may do. Don’t bring up allegations that were never proven. He has paved the way for many black artists and to be honest, my peers and I were offended when we read this column.

Derrell Beasley

