ISU United Way kicks off campaign

Trina Belzung

The ISU United Way annual fund-raising campaign kicked off with the goal of raising $223,000 this year, up 2.5 percent from last year’s record-breaking $216,000.

This campaign raises money each year for 33 human-service organizations located throughout Story County.

Stan Johnson, ISU campaign chairman and vice provost of extension, said the United Way of Story County has teamed up with Iowa State for as long as he can remember.

“Faculty, staff and students are big users of these organizations,” he said.

“It only makes sense that they should be a part of the campaign.”

Services include domestic violence and sexual assault assistance, health clinics, legal aid, child care and opportunities for volunteering, employment and internships.

Because of the United Way’s volunteer system, 81 percent of money raised goes to the human-service organizations, Johnson said.

Iowa State has many volunteers working on the program, he said.

“Each college or major administrative unit forwards a volunteer who is the coordinator for the unit,” Johnson said.

These volunteers then make sure everyone in their unit has an opportunity to give.

“Each member of the faculty and staff receive an envelope and an invitation to donate a gift,” Johnson said.

Donations can be made by anyone, for any amount and are confidential.

“We don’t know who does or doesn’t donate, or even what they donate,” he said.

Every donation makes a difference, but a major part of the ISU United Way campaign is leadership gifts.

Benjamin Allen, leadership gifts coordinator for the campaign, described a leadership gift as, “any gift of $1000 or more per year.”

Last year, 40 leadership gifts set the basis for the campaign.

“All gifts are important, there’s no doubt about that, but leadership gifts provide a foundation for the whole campaign,” Allen said.

He said Iowa State’s 2001 goal is to exceed 40 leadership gifts.

“It’d be nice to get 50, but definitely over 40,” he said.

For more information on the ISU United Way campaign or to make a donation, call 515-268-5142 or visit its Web site at