Local bands lost, now found at revived bar

Smoky tendrils grasp the dim lamps hanging from the ceiling. Glasses clink as drinks are poured. A dull roar of mingling voices is overpowered by the dynamic music being played on the far end of the floor and heads bob in rhythm. The bar is filled to capacity.

Lost and Found Lounge has returned to its position of being the local music venue it once was.

Years ago, the Lost and Found, 121 1/2 Welch Ave., was known for its shows featuring local bands, as well as popular regional bands. In recent times, business took a dive after problems with alleged liquor license violations in other bars operated by the same owner. Along with these negative connotations, the atmosphere was thought by some to be lacking.

Beer-promoting posters and mirrors plastered the interior, and the view in some areas was obscured by poorly placed walls. Local bands rarely performed, and the young clientele stopped coming.

But what once was lost has been found.

Recently, management changed hands. Ben Newton, previously a bartender at Lost and Found, took over managing responsibilities. Under his direction, renovations were made to revamp the Lost and Found into the happening lounge scene it once was.

Walls were torn down to allow more visibility, decorations were re-done, different piping was installed to allow for a new daiquiri machine, and local bands were lined up.

“Months ago, I took a vow to people in the local music community that if I ever became manager, I would set up Lost and Found as a venue for local bands – the way it used to be,” said Newton. “I’m doing my best to improve the local music scene, which in the least, is very lacking.”

The Lost and Found is booked with a variety of groups to play for the 21-and-over crowd for the next five Thursdays, with more on the way. Kountertop and Keepers of the Carpet have already been featured.

“When Kountertop was here, the place was packed,” Newton said. “There were people wall to wall, and more still coming in. The show rocked.”

With the help of managers and bookies from other bars such as the Boheme and People’s, promotion of the shows has been successful. Justin Means of the Boheme says he is pleased to be offering his assistance in order to bring attention to local bands.

“Lost and Found is another venue for local music, which we don’t have enough of,” Means said. “It gives the local guys another place to play. With the regulars at the Lost and Found, the ones who really seem to appreciate music, it’s a good atmosphere, and it really allows bands the chance to take off.”

Patrons can expect a variety of local bands in the coming weeks, with groups such as Hog Mallet, Mechanistry and Breakdance headlining.

“There’s a great variety of music here, which benefits people who get tired of hearing the same stuff over and over,” Means said. “We try to make everyone happy.”