on the Scene with Squire Bonne

MR: What does your job entail?

SB: Contacting agents, dealing with the bands, and just bringing in a variety of music.

MR: Do you get paid?

SB: No.

MR: Then why do it?

SB: I get to see a lot of good music, and bring in a lot of good stuff. Plus, I don’t have to pay to get in to the shows, which is nice since I don’t have any money since I work this job that I don’t get paid for.

MR: How much time do you spend working at the M-Shop?

SB: Most afternoons I’m here for two to three hours, plus about six or seven hours each night we have a show, and some weeks we have shows every night.

MR: Are there any shows you’re looking forward to?

SB: Jack Johnson and Mason Jennings will be good. Jack Johnson opened for Ben Harper this past spring over at Stephens Auditorium. Pretty much though, if I’ve booked it, it’s something I like or I know the students will like.

MR: What kind of music do you like?

SB: Pretty much anything. More so indie rock stuff, but I like pretty much everything.

MR: What do you think of all the local music venues that are popping up?

SB: It’s definitely helping [local music]. Bi-Fi studios is growing, and actually, we’re having a showcase for them Nov. 30 and that will end up being a really good show.

MR: What’s the best part of your job?

SB: Getting to meet all the bands.

MR: If you could bring any band to the M-Shop, who would you bring?

SB: A lot of the bands I really like come through here anyway, and it’s hard to choose just one. Probably the Alkaline Trio and The Icarus Line.

MR: How do you plan on using your experience with this position in the future?

SB: If I decided this was something I could do, doing this would really help. There’s no specific degree for this job, and most people get started out doing stuff like this. Mostly it’s all who you know, and I’ve made some good contacts.

MR: Is there anything going on this year that you’re really excited about?

SB: We had The Impossibles show which was pretty exciting. It sold out. Sheila Divine will be great if it works out, but right now it’s still tentative.

MR: Why should people spend their hard-earned money to go see a show at the M-Shop?

SB: To see good music in a good atmosphere. You can go to other places with the whole smoky atmosphere, but for people who don’t smoke this is definitely a good place to go. And the way it’s set up, there isn’t a bad seat.

You have a good view wherever you are.